Anacharis Najas
Anacharis, also known as Anacharis Najas and narrow-leaf Elodea, has slender, bright green leaves and a dense, feathery appearance make it an excellent choice for adding texture and depth to your aquascape. Whether rooted in the substrate or left floating, Anacharis is a versatile plant that quickly establishes itself, providing a lush habitat for fish and invertebrates.
Beyond its beauty, the Anacharis plant offers several practical benefits for your aquarium. Anacharis grows quickly helping absorb excess nutrients, which in turn reduces algae growth and promotes a healthier environment for your aquatic life. The Anacharis plant also provides excellent cover for shy fish and serves as a natural filter, improving water clarity.
Scientific Name: Anacharis Najas
Common Names: Anacharis, Elodea Najas
Caring for The Anacharis Plant
Ideal for both beginners and seasoned aquarists, Anacharis is incredibly easy to care for, thriving in a wide range of water conditions and lighting.
Care Level: Easy
Light: Medium-high
CO2: Not Necessary but can promote growth
Fertilizer or Shrimp Safe Fertilizer
Propagation: Cut stem and replant
Note: Please do additional research on your plant to ensure its health.
*All Plants may contain snails or snail eggs. We keep them in all of our tanks for the benefits they provide.*