Black Tiger Dario, also known as the Black Tiger Badis, is a type of fish that is closely related to the Scarlet Badis. Like the Scarlet Badis, Black Tiger Darios are small and hardy fish that are perfect for nano tanks. They max out at around an inch in size and the males develop beautiful colors, while the females do not. Black Tiger Darios are carnivores and only eat live foods like baby brine shrimp or daphnia.
Due to their aggressive nature and picky appetite, it is best to keep Black Tiger Darios in their own aquarium. Although, some have reported having success getting them with fish such as the Neon Tetras or even guppies with success.
The scientific name for the Black Tiger Dario is Dario sp ‘Pyjamas’.
What do Black Tiger Darios Eat?
We feed our Black Tiger Darios mainly live baby brine and daphnia. They can be quite picky eaters so it is important to watch them to ensure they are eating. It is possible to
Our Tank Parameters
- Ph: 7.2 to 7.5
- Gh: 8 to 16
- Kh: 4 to 7
- TDS: 180 to 250
- Temp: 70 to 74
Tank Recommendations
- Leaves: Indian Almond or Guava
- Wood: Mopani
- Cones: Alder Cones
- Rocks: River stone or other smooth rocks