Blue Dragon Guppy
The Blue Dragon Guppy is a vibrant addition to any aquarium. This guppy has striking blue coloring paired with distinctive patterns that make each fish unique. Whether it’s speckled designs or bold streaks, the Blue Dragon Guppy brings visual interest to any tank setup.
The Blue Dragon Guppy is beginner-friendly and easy to care for, adapting well to a range of aquarium conditions. Their peaceful nature allows them to thrive in community tanks, living harmoniously with other non-aggressive fish. A varied diet of flakes, pellets, and occasional live foods helps maintain their health and color.
Our Tank Parameters:
- Ph: 7.2-8.2
- Gh: 8-12
- Kh: 4-6
- TDS: 150-200
- Temp: 72-80
Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with
Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What should I feed Blue Dragon Guppies?
These guppies are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. Offer high-quality flakes or pellets supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Vegetable-based foods, such as spirulina, are also beneficial.
2. Are Blue Dragon Guppies suitable for community tanks?
Yes, they are peaceful fish that coexist well with other non-aggressive species of similar size. Compatible tankmates include neon tetras, mollies, and corydoras catfish.
3. How can I encourage breeding?
Provide plenty of plants or breeding mops for fry to hide, as adult guppies may eat their young. A temperature of 78–80°F and a high-protein diet can promote breeding.
4. How large do Blue Dragon Guppies grow?
They typically reach 1.5 to 2 inches in length when fully grown.
5. Do Blue Dragon Guppies require a lot of maintenance?
They are low-maintenance fish but do require consistent care. Regular water changes, a stable diet, and monitoring water parameters will keep them healthy.
6. Can I keep Blue Dragon Guppies with shrimp or snails?
Yes, they can coexist with shrimp and snails in most cases. However, baby shrimp may be at risk of predation.