Bloody Mary Shrimp
Bloody Mary shrimp is a type of red Neocaridina, similar to Cherry shrimp. However, unlike cherries which carry their red coloration in their shells, Bloody Mary’s have transparent shells with a deep red color in their tissue. Information on the origin of Bloody Mary shrimp is conflicting with some breeders claiming they are simply Cherry shrimp with red tissue, while other breeders claim true Bloody Marys are bred from dwarf Chocolate shrimp. Regardless, our conclusion from our colonies as well as the breeders we work with, is that Bloody Mary’s are transparent shrimp with beautiful deep red tissue.
Bloody Mary’s are a great choice to add red shrimp to your tank. We sell both locally bred shrimp as well as shrimp imported from overseas. The imported shrimp offers a slightly lower cost option and usually ship a bit larger than our USA bred shrimp after being quarantined by us for a minimum of 30 days to ensure to the best of our ability that you receive them healthy and happy. Our USA bred shrimp, while at a somewhat more premium price, were born and raised in US water and generally ship at a younger age. This allows them to more quickly and easily adapt to your water at home. It is both our hope and goal to encourage more aquarium shrimp breeding in the states. Whichever you choose, we guarantee they will be healthy on arrival and we are certain you will be pleased with their quality.
As an additional note, we recommend you do not keep Bloody Marys with other red shrimp. At one point we accidentally introduced a few Fire Red shrimp to an existing colony of Bloody Mary shrimp resulting in some hybridization and a general assortment of mixed Cherry Shrimp.
Common Name: Bloody Mary Shrimp, Bloody Mary Sakura shrimp, Red Wine Sakura
Scientific Name: Neocaridina. Davidi ‘bloody mary’
Genus: Neocaridina
Our Tank Parameters for Bloody Mary Shrimp
- Ph: 7.0 to 7.6
- Gh: 7 to 15
- Kh: 2 to 8
- TDS: 150 to 350
- Temp: 68°F to 72°F
What we feed:
Tank Recommendations for Bloody Mary Shrimp
- Minimum tank size: 4 gallon, but 20 gallons recommended
- Compatible tank mates: Micro rasboras, Pygmy cories, plecos
- Filter: Matten Filter
- Substrate: Pool Filter Sand, Inert Substrate, or any substrate that will not alter pH
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Shrimple GH/KH+
- Wood and Botanicals: Alder Cones, Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss and Indian Almond Leaves