Breeders and Keepers Vol. 1 is the holy grail in shrimp keeping memorabilia. This magazine has been sold out for year and has been sold in the past for over $1,000. If the rarity of this item isn’t enough, the wealth of information it contains is well worth it.
Breeders and Keepers is a magazine by Dennerle and our good friend Chris Lukhaup. The magazine series is a must own for all shrimp enthusiasts. The wealth of knowledge contained in these magazines is immense.
Chris Lukhaup interviews shrimp breeders from around the world and shares all this knowledge with the rest of the shrimp keepers and breeders out there. The magazines are limited to 1,000 prints, so get them while they are still available.
Points to Note:
- Sold Out Across the World
- Extremely Hard to Find
- Brand New – Never Used