Carbon Rili Shrimp
You will receive Carbon Rili shrimp of mixed grade, also know as Black Rili Shrimp. The Carbon Rili is a black shrimp that generally has a clear midsection on its body. The term rili means that the shrimp is missing color between the head and tail, making it a less common shrimp. We usually ship both imported and USA bred carbon rili shrimp at about half an inch or bigger. Carbons are one of the hardiest shrimp and do really well in many conditions. Whether you buy USA Bred or Imported, you will not be disappointed with Flip Aquatics shrimp because we guarantee them healthy.
Please Note: Most of our Carbon Rili shrimp have a blue tint instead of a clear mid section.
Carbon rili shrimp were one of the first dwarf shrimp our founder, Robert Lupton, had ever bred before starting Flip Aquatics. Therefore, these shrimp play a special part in our business and have additional value and meaning to our company. Carbon rili shrimp have a distinct black coloration with a clear midsection. They often times have spots of black and blue throughout the shrimp. The carbon rili line of shrimp still has a long way to go as far as breeding true since the offspring range from solid black to clear to carbon rili patterns. So, it is good to point out that they do not always produce the typical rili pattern (solid head and tail with a clear midsection). The carbon’s have proven to be hardy which makes them an alternative aquarium shrimp to cherry shrimp for a beginner.
Common Name: Carbon rili shrimp, carbon rilis, black rili shrimp, black rilis
Scientific Name: Neocaridina davidi var. ‘carbon rili’
Genus: Neocaridina
Our Tank Parameters for Carbon Rili Shrimp
- Ph: 7.0 to 7.6
- Gh: 7 to 15
- Kh: 2 to 8
- TDS: 150 to 350
- Temp: 68°F to 72°F
What we feed our Carbon Rili Shrimp
Tank Recommendations for Rili Shrimp
- Minimum tank size: 4 gallon, but 20 gallons recommended
- Compatible tank mates: Micro rasboras, Pygmy cories, plecos
- Filter: Matten Filter
- Substrate: Pool Filter Sand, Inert Substrate, or any substrate that will not alter pH
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Shrimple GH/KH+
- Wood and Botanicals: Alder Cones, Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss and Indian Almond Leaves