Crystal Red Shrimp
You will receive Crystal Red Shrimp, also known as CRS. The pet shrimp you will receive will be sub-adults, having a size of around half of an inch (.5 inches). The shrimp generally range from S to SS grade in pattern.
Crystal red shrimp are stunning in color and pattern. They are the red mutation of the wild bee shrimp. Most hobbyists refer to crystal red shrimp as CRS. The CRS is an entry-level freshwater shrimp for the Caridina genus. When a hobbyist is making the transition from Neocaridina to Caridina, the crystal red shrimp is a great option to start with. While crystal red requires a lower PH, they can still live in conditions that are slightly alkaline (PH above 7).
The grading scale for CRS is somewhat difficult to comprehend at first. Here are the grades in order of highest to lowest: SSS, SS, S, A, B, and C. The higher the grade (SSS), the less red the shrimp will have. So, a C-grade shrimp will be almost all red while an SSS-grade shrimp will be almost completely white. The other way to grade the shrimp is by color and how solid the color is versus being transparent in color. Shrimp with poor color are usually culled (separated) from the colony.
Here are the tank conditions we keep our CRS at:
Tank Parameters
- pH: 6.6 to 6.9
- GH: 5 to 7
- KH: 0 to 2
- TDS: 130 to 160
- Temp: 68 to 74
Tank Equipment
- Filter: Matten Filter
- Substrate: Brightwell Rio Escuro or Cafe Soil, Fluval Shrimp Stratum
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Shrimple GH
- Decor: Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss, and Indian Almond Leaves