Fancy Mutt Guppy Pairs
If you’re looking for a real eye-catcher in your aquarium, then look no further than the beautiful Fancy Mutt Guppy. With their exquisite appearance and deep, colors, patterns, and fin shape these guppies will certainly steal the show, and because of how easy they are to care for, they make for the perfect addition to any aquarium.
For whom is the Premium Guppy suited?
These guppies are peaceful and easy to care for. They are the ideal fish for beginners (both young and old) and community aquariums and are a real eye-catcher thanks to their vibrant colors. Often considered one of the first tropical fish for those who are new to the hobby. These are also perfect for the first-time younger crowd as well.
What are they like?
Our breeder has combined the very best of pure breed fancy guppies to come up with this mix. Our breeder used 5 each of the following to start this line: Half Black Red, HB Green, HB Blue, HB Leopards, Green Cobras, Red Cobras, Yellow Cobras, Dumbo Eared Red Mosaics, Dumbo Eared Purple Mosaics, Blue Delta, and Purple Haze Guppies. This has created colors and patterns for the male and female with rarely the same pattern or color in two fish.
As mentioned above, these freshwater guppies are incredibly peaceful and are great for keeping in larger aquariums with other peaceful fish species. In densely planted aquariums, the fish quickly feel very comfortable, and because they are omnivores, they can easily cohabitate the aquarium with other fish that may have slightly more specific nutritional requirements. They will do best as a group of 5-9 guppies depending on the tank size. If you’re looking for something different, try a tank of Male only Mutt Guppies for maximum color.
The ideal conditions for the Premium Guppy
As omnivores, this species can be fed dry vegetable food as well as frozen food such as frozen mosquito larvae or Artemia. They thrive in medium to hard water and prefer a temperature of 72 – 78°F. Guppies will do best with plenty of live aquatic plants. We suggest Java Moss, Java Vern, Cryptocoryne Wendtii (Red, Green, or Bronze), and even Amazon sword tails. If you going to breed these Fancy Mutt Guppies, we suggest adding a floating plant like Guppy Grass or Red Root Floaters.
Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with the Overnight (1 Day) option. All other options void our Live Arrival Guarantee for fish.
What we feed Guppies
We feed our fish a mix of frozen, live, and prepared foods including live baby brine and black worms. We also supplement their diet with a mix of Northfin Veggie, Community, and Bug Pro.
Our Tank Parameters
- Ph: 6.5 to 7.8
- Gh: 6 to 18
- Kh: 2 to 6
- TDS: 100 to 200
- Temp: 72 to 80