Red Pinto Shrimp
You will receive Red pinto shrimp around half an inch to an inch in size. The Red Pinto shrimp has a unique pattern and color due to its unique genetics. Pinto shrimp are bred by mixing Taiwan bee shrimp and tiger shrimp to create a Tibee shrimp. Once you get your Tibee shrimp you can continue breeding those offspring with Taiwan bees to create what is called a Taitibee. At this stage, you will start to see the pinto patterns develop. The three main categories of pintos are zebra, fancy, and spotted head. You can breed for the pattern style you like the most.
The Pinto shrimp is one of our favorite “fancy shrimp”. They have a striking contrast of red or black against white which is not seen in many aquarium shrimp. The best part is the many patterns the shrimp can produce.
We keep our pinto shrimp at the following parameters:
Tank Parameters:
- pH: 5 to 6.7
- GH:3 to 6
- KH: 0 to 1
- TDS: 90 to 120
- Temp: 68 to 72
Our Tank Equipment Includes:
- Filter: Matten Filter
- Substrate: Brightwell Rio Escuro or Cafe Soil, Fluval Shrimp Stratum
- Water: RO/DI Water remineralized with Shrimple GH
- Decor: Malaysian Driftwood, Java Moss, and Indian Almond Leaves