Yoyo Loach
Looking for unusual aquarium janitors that double as fascinating fish? Enter Botia lohachata, the captivating yo-yo loach. These tropical freshwater fish feature slender brown bodies marked by a splash of lighter cream color resembling a yo-yo. Their crown jewel is an extended spinal cord protrusion gracing their forehead when relaxed.
In the wild, these bottom dwellers thrive in schools navigating riverbeds for small food morsels. At up to 6 inches long, groups of yo-yo loaches bring engaging activity to community tanks. Whether patrolling decor for leftover bits, darting about showing off streamlined forms or playfully interacting with tankmates, they live up to the busy loach reputation.
Yo-yos enjoy heavily planted aquascapes with rocks, driftwood and darker substrates supporting their shy personalities and replicating their natural terrain. Keep them in 3+ groups. Offer protein-rich foods along with vegetables to satisfy omnivorous appetites and maintain vigor.
Please Note: Our Live Arrival Guarantee ensures the safe arrival of your fish when you choose our Overnight (1 Day) shipping option. Alternative shipping methods may void this guarantee.
Our Tank Parameters:
- Ph: 6.5 to 7.1
- Gh: 8 to 12
- Kh: 2 to 4
- Temp: 72 to 80
Tank Recommendations:
- Rock: Smooth rock (round in shape)
- Leaves: Indian Almond or Guava
- Cones: Alder, Giant Alder, Birch or Casuarina
- Plants: Java Ferns, Anubias, Sagittaria, Cryptocorene